2nd step?
does it sounds weird? by right it should be 1st step. alright i have reason behind it. I don't think anyone know that i do have a blog at here before but it doesn't matter because IM GOING TO HAVE A NEW ONE right NOW =D. well as u can see, this is my 1st entry. xD
why am i here again?
actually its because recently i found that im too bored meanwhile seems like everyone have a blog so why not me? =)
What a blog to me?
to me,
1. as a way to share my story
2. to complain when there are no one for me to yell at
3. when i have something to share i will post it here =D
oh ya let me intro something about myself .
NaMe: FleVeN cHan W.L
aGe: 20 yeaRs olD (2007)
FriEndSter: smile_view_22@hotmail.com
msn: smile_view_87@hotmail.com
besiDes That iM ~
100% Boy, 55% matUre, 45% iMaTure
100% loVe mUsiCs
100% LiKe pi@no ( aLtHouGh i dOn't know hOW tO pLay Pi@no.. buT i StiLL LiKe It..=p )
100% lOvE mY oNLy SiStEr
99% SiNgLe ( The aNother 1% iS rEserVe For a BeSt Pen PaL/Net FrIEnd/BeSt FrIend n SHe is JaCquELaiNe WoNg )
100% LoVe mY PaReNts ( buT thEy aRe VerY WeiRd sOmeTime wHat TheY diD n The WaY tHey CommUnicaTe.. LoLxx )
Just because Im naive,
Doesn't mean I will fall into your sweet words,
Doesn't mean I will cry for nothing,
And doesnt mean Im trick able,
Just because Im Chinese,
Doesnt mean Im good in Chinese languages,
Doesnt mean Im a pork lover,
And doesnt mean I have a fair skin,
Just because Im 20 years old,
Doesnt mean Im mature,
Doesnt mean Im occupied,
And doesnt mean Im childish,
Just because Im single,
Doesnt mean I will jealous against couple,
Doesnt mean I will hunt for partner like a wolf,
And Doesnt mean I will simply choose a partner,
Just because Im FleVeN cHan.
Who Am I?
I am
Son of a husband and wife
Grandmothers grandson
Brother to a little sister
Student of TARC
I am
a boy
a chatter
a friend
I am
average tall
I am
--FleVeN cHan
LooK FamiLiar?yea you are right. its actually from my profile in friendster, but i dont think much people will realize this because i think people will never give attention to the "About me" section and i guess it is because,
1. too long?
2. boring~
3. who cares~
alright i guess im satisfied with my 1st post.
i will be back when i feel i have something to post.
chill everyone.
have a nice day =)