*1st daY*
= During Bus Trip =
Sleep =.=||
Heng + Hoe (double H)
~ Arrival at LuMuT ~
Lumut Waterfront
Ship station at Terminal Jeti
"WeLcome To PangKor Island"..
"Thank You~" said FLeeVz
- On Da Way (in FerRy) -
NaVy ?
Marwin 'N' m3
Accidentally captured my leg ( but it looks so artistic ) xD!
v( ^.^ )> 3 peaceful people <( ^.^ )v
what they pointing actually huh? o.O?
What is this for? Found at ferry..
2 ModeL? Careful wind might blow u off, girls~ xD
woW so "CuTe"~
AvaTar~ what you doing there? sneaking into their pic? @_@||
Do they look alike?
"_"_"_"_" PanGkoR isLanD "_"_"_"_"
@-@-@-- BBq MomeNt --@-@-@
BBQ for the last session~
This are the leftovers~
"No FiRe how to BBQ leH~~" said Wai ChoOnG
Lets finish the leftovers~ v( ^.^ )v
Here is the chef for the night~ *applause* wee weep~
aPa ni? eaT tiLL so DirTy.. "tissue please~"
SLeePinG KinG : I NeeD soMe1 2 KiSs mE tO waKe m3 Up~ =s
Whats better than lying on the sweet bed after dinner? xD
(1st blood)
omG anotheR 1..=.=||
(2nd blood)
oMg so Many~ {O,O}||
(Triple, Triple KiLL!!)
The rePorter (Harry Potter) of the night goes to~~~
FLeeVz Chan~ *applause* v[=.=]"v
^^niGht oUt tO the BeaCh^^
What you see? nothing? are you sure?
*2nD daY*
!! 1sT deStinatiOn !!
Wassup duCk?~
wordings~ (sorry no idea what it wrote {+,=})
GoT some goLd woRdinGs (no idea too~ {=,+})
soMe scenery~
Lets ZooM a LiL xD..perhaps its better right?
i will leave that answer to you ^^..
DraGon? Kuan Yin?..LOL..
Its Nice!! =D
I reached the top of that place which i afford to go so far~
[] [] 2nd DestiNatioN [] []
- Main Entrance -
"Why so interested in writing on the stone?
no paper?" =p..
^^ A group of DBSA students ^^
*.*.* 3rd DesTiniTioN *.*.*
Historical structure: ~ The DuTch FoRt ~
~ Dutch Fort ~
TT- EnDinG -TT
GoiNg hoMe bRo~
Mesra Fery by Y. B. Dato' Mohamed Khaled Bin Nordin
(Menteri Pembangunan Usahawan & Koperasi)
(= The Ferry that SerVe us =)
There are more photos but currently not with me..in the digital camera of Lai HonG..
- WiLL uPdaTe SooN -