Saturday, March 15, 2008

PuLau PanGkoR a.k.a PanGkoR isLanD

BloGgieeee I miSs you So muCh!!..haha..just an excuse for me to start a bulky (not that bulky actually hahax..) entry here..xD..during the last Friday I joined my classmates for a trip to Pulau Pangkor a.k.a Pangkor Island..i know people in here have a common question..which is "how was the trip? enjoyed?.." well i can say its quite enjoy hahax..this trip planned since 1 week ago and finally we made it as it is our trip to crazy and happy together as classmates and since this is the final semester, we must take this opportunity to leave a sweet time and joyful memory as DBSA 5 members..but unfortunately not all of them join took a long journey actually to reach Pangkor took about 5 hours time from Ipoh to Lumut (by bus) and finally reach Pangkor Island (by Ferry)..we as a group of DBSA 5 student consist of 11 students (which joined the trip) and 2 more friends from another group of DBSA, explored a lot of things and visited a lot of places in Pangkor are some photos i took using my phone during the trip~.. EnJoY~

*1st daY*

= During Bus Trip =

Sleep =.=||

Heng + Hoe (double H)

~ Arrival at LuMuT ~

Lumut Waterfront

Ship station at Terminal Jeti

"WeLcome To PangKor Island"..
"Thank You~" said FLeeVz

- On Da Way (in FerRy) -

NaVy ?

Marwin 'N' m3

Accidentally captured my leg ( but it looks so artistic ) xD!

v( ^.^ )> 3 peaceful people <( ^.^ )v

what they pointing actually huh? o.O?

What is this for? Found at ferry..

2 ModeL? Careful wind might blow u off, girls~ xD

woW so "CuTe"~

AvaTar~ what you doing there? sneaking into their pic? @_@||

Do they look alike?

"_"_"_"_" PanGkoR isLanD "_"_"_"_"

@-@-@-- BBq MomeNt --@-@-@

BBQ for the last session~

This are the leftovers~

"No FiRe how to BBQ leH~~" said Wai ChoOnG

Lets finish the leftovers~ v( ^.^ )v

Here is the chef for the night~ *applause* wee weep~

aPa ni? eaT tiLL so DirTy.. "tissue please~"

SLeePinG KinG : I NeeD soMe1 2 KiSs mE tO waKe m3 Up~ =s

Whats better than lying on the sweet bed after dinner? xD
(1st blood)

omG anotheR 1..=.=||
(2nd blood)

oMg so Many~ {O,O}||
(Triple, Triple KiLL!!)

The rePorter (Harry Potter) of the night goes to~~~
FLeeVz Chan~ *applause* v[=.=]"v

^^niGht oUt tO the BeaCh^^

What you see? nothing? are you sure?

*2nD daY*

!! 1sT deStinatiOn !!

Wassup duCk?~

wordings~ (sorry no idea what it wrote {+,=})

GoT some goLd woRdinGs (no idea too~ {=,+})

soMe scenery~

Lets ZooM a LiL xD..perhaps its better right?
i will leave that answer to you ^^..

DraGon? Kuan Yin?..LOL..
Its Nice!! =D

I reached the top of that place which i afford to go so far~

[] [] 2nd DestiNatioN [] []

- Main Entrance -

"Why so interested in writing on the stone?
no paper?" =p..

^^ A group of DBSA students ^^

*.*.* 3rd DesTiniTioN *.*.*

Historical structure: ~ The DuTch FoRt ~

~ Dutch Fort ~

TT- EnDinG -TT

GoiNg hoMe bRo~

Mesra Fery by Y. B. Dato' Mohamed Khaled Bin Nordin
(Menteri Pembangunan Usahawan & Koperasi)

(= The Ferry that SerVe us =)

There are more photos but currently not with the digital camera of Lai HonG..

- WiLL uPdaTe SooN -


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

RatiO AnalysiS =.=||

what should i say about this so called "RatiO AnalysiS" ?..its not fun to play with..=.=||..wondering why it exist? it we really that "nothing to do"?..what if i tell you it took me 1 hour to finish 1 question?.. =.=||..yea thats the reason im blogging around..i officially complaining "Its Sucks!" arggggg..but anyway i have to do it because it 100% come out in the i that misfortune? not the only 1 who need to play with this..its the reality that every single one of Accounting student must know how to do it..if you found out the limitations of this so called "RatiO AnalysiS" i bet you will FreAk Out!..LOL..i guess i have to stop complaining it..and shout "I WILL NOT GIVE UP!!!" Yeah thats the Spirit!!..

p/s : RatiO AnalysiS is something that deal with a lot of formulas.. end up with calculating something that not absolutely accurate =.=||..below are some of those shits (kinda useful in the future in the other way it has good future value) HAHAHAHAHAHAHA..EnjoY~

Book Value Per Share

Quick or Asid Test Ratio

Debt Ratio

Earning Per Share (EPS)

The Limitations


Here I coMez agaiN

hey all here back! xD..suddenly have the feeling to blog i really back?!..weEeeeEEeee..well actually a lot of things really slam on me..make me feel terrible..but now all those courages are back! blog blog n blog again to meet the demand of some people..although they didnt voice out but i know geh~..haha..SorRY~ a lil perasan..=p..come on..its my 1st day ever after since the last time i blog in here..alright i guess thats all for tonight..12.13am!! com'on tomorrow 9am class..HoLy ShiT!!..arrggg hang on there FLeeVz hOpe alWays bY uR siDe!!

here are some recent SELF TOOK pic of Me~..hope u all still remember me this silly + childish + shy lil guy..oOpPs..hey im still young kay? although 21yo already~ xD..

YooOZ ~the CraZy FLeeVz~

oH maMa i Wish i CouLd FLy oUt fRoM aLL mY saDneSs

ProuDLy prEseNt thE NoKia 5610 XpreSs MusIc! xD

WhaT shOuLd i SaY otHer tHan :

"heY frIends No mAtteR wHat sHiTs HappEn,
StiLL haVe mE to B by UrsIde~
( T & C applied )"

~ BesiDes That i WanT to ThaNks tO XiaO FeR fOr cErtaIn thIngS ~

..:::..tHe eNd..:::..